
Major Crash Averted?
UncategorizedPresident-elect, Donald Trump has not officially been sworn into office, but Republicans in Congress are wasting no time in passing legislation that seems to foreshadow his political agenda.
Dodd-Frank was put into action by the Democrats…

First Time Home Buyers Are Being Targeted
UncategorizedFor many years, it has seemed that new home builders were ignoring first time home buyers to focus on the most lucrative demographics in the middle to high-end home market. The housing market had made it apparent that in this post-recession…

President Obama Eases FHA Concerns
H.R. 3700 is now law. The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act was activated by the signature of President Obama back in July 2016. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) has lauded this bill as a significant step in creating…

Refi Season is Red Hot
UncategorizedRefinance numbers have launched up above the peak of 2012. Today, there appear to be more than 8.7 million refi candidates in the market. This seems to be the result of the U.S. Treasury bond market which has seen a significant bump as investors…

The Chinese Buyer
UncategorizedA New Profit Center
It is no secret that China is the second largest economy in the world, but what many in South Florida are finding out is that they are using their resources to purchase property in the area. For many years realtors have…

The Complications Of Foreign All Cash Deals
NewsUS Treasury department has been busy since launching its newest anti-money laundering campaign. This time, the press has been on shutting down illegal funds entering the country from foreign investors. These investors, usually purchasing property…

Sales of new homes skyrocket to 2007 levels
UncategorizedThis summer not only saw record-breaking heat across the nation, it saw new home sales reach levels not seen over the past nine years. Thanks to a surge in demand, a continuation of the low-interest rate environment, and low existing inventory…

The current state of the Florida Real Estate market
UncategorizedFlorida's real estate market has followed a mixed pattern since the financial collapse nearly a decade ago. While there has been a significant recovery since 2008, data from the summer of 2015 shows continued increases, while some industry insiders have concerns.